

In the fall of 2010 -a little over a year old, Gibson came with suspiciously well-developed skills of ‘human manipulation and mind control.’ I fell in love … instantly.

A purebred Seal Lynx Point Birman, this breed is known for its affectionate, gentle, and loyal companionship as well as being extremely intelligent. Hmmm… trouble. Gibson is of course the resident ‘under the covers mascot’ and is also self-employed as my ‘Executive Personal Assistant.’ Truth be told, he created this position himself. Again with the suspiciously well-developed skills of ‘human manipulation and mind control.’ He takes his work seriously – I’ll give him that. I wake up before I want to so that I am never late for anything – especially his breakfast. He is devoted to helping me achieve great things in my life, such as mastering the Ancient Art of ‘The perfect chin scratch’ as well as the mysterious ‘Two hands never one Belly Rub Application.’ He maintains my schedule in accordance with his and he happily inspects my work. I do however question his methods of ‘complete body coverage’ over my working surface but I am hopeful that there may be a better solution in the future. Or not.

Fast track to 2013 and Gibson was a very sick kitty. Within 48 hours we found ourselves in the office of Dr. Cichon at Sunwood Veterinary Hospital thanks to Kathy Pander. Dr. Cichon is a homeopathic veterinarian who goes beyond the call of duty. His love and compassion for animals resonate in the attention and guidance that he provides. Gibson was diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, chronic pancreatitis along with ascending cholangiohepatitis. Simply put -the poor guy’s plumbing just wasn’t working and the damage was done.

To make this boy healthy again – his dietary needs had to change. We’ve never looked back – 3P Naturals ever since. We figured it out together, took a couple of months to adjust -but it has saved his life. Without question, eliminating commercial pet food and switching over to a raw food diet was the game-changer for Gibson’s quality of life as well as my sanity. 3P is the only option in this house! He gets an abundance of other goodies mixed in with his food -organic apple sauce, pumpkin, hemp oil, and Aloe Vera juice as well as digestive enzymes, supplements, and the occasional hit of catnip.

3P Naturals has set an unprecedented standard of quality for this industry. With transparent company objectives, product accountability, and an abundance of consumer resources and education, (Carnivore Corner and Pet Nutrition are great!) it just doesn’t get any better than that. From both Gibson and I – THANK YOU 3P!! We love you.

Switching To A Raw Food Diet


Find out everything you need to know about a raw pet food diet, and how you can make the switch.

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