What is Ocean Wise?

What is Ocean Wise?

Many of you know that we’ve recently started offering locally farmed certified organic coho salmon. Yum! This salmon is also Ocean Wise certified. So what does that mean?

Ocean Wise is a part of the Vancouver Aquarium ocean conservation program. It's a certification given to participating businesses that meet the criteria. The certification is based on the latest scientific research to recommend sustainable seafood choices to companies that partner with them.

Overfishing is the largest threat to the health of our oceans. Even some types of fish farming pose threats to natural ocean habitats, particularly in-ocean farming.

Did you know?

-90% of the world’s assessed wild fish stocks are currently over-exploited or at full capacity

-only 48% of wild fish stocks in Canada are considered healthy  

-illegal and unregulated fishing remains a problem in poorly managed fisheries

-seafood is the primary protein source for over one billion people worldwide

When you purchase Ocean Wise seafood, it means:

-seafood species are resilient to fishing pressures and be able to reproduce quickly, limiting the impact on wild populations

-the management of seafood stock is based on current sustainably research

-limited or zero species are caught in farming nets accidentally (with in-land farming numbers being at zero)

-limited wild habitat damage

Ocean Wise has over 675 partners Canada-wide. Did you know there's even an App on the Apple Store? It can help you to find which restaurants, pet food manufacturers, and retailers make smart choices for our oceans. 3P is now a proud partner with Ocean Wise!

You can make a huge impact by always choosing Ocean Wise seafood for yourself and your pets! To find out more, visit http://www.vanaqua.org/act/direct-action/ocean-wise

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