Our Adventure to Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Center
Written on Saturday, September 20th, 2014Our road trip was a great success! We spent an amazing day at Northern Lights Wildlife Center learning about the wolves and wolf conservation in British Columbia. Our two guides, Casey and Shelley Black co-founded Northern Lights and have been giving captive wolves a place to call home since 1998. They provide permanent homes for captive-bred wolves that cannot be released into the wild. Shelley and Casey`s program enables them to provide exceptional husbandry and enrichment for their wolves while educating the public and supporting wild wolf habitat and conservation efforts.
Six More Sleeps Until Our Wolf Encounter!
Written on Thursday, September 11th, 2014Six more sleeps until our encounter with the wolves of Northern Lights Wildlife Center in Golden, BC! Stay tuned for updates and photos of our adventure by liking us on Facebook or following us on Twitter @3pnaturals. It might be snowing where we're going......!
Northern Lights Mission Statement:
"Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Center promotes wolf and bear conservation throughout the natural environment. We value the role these carnivores play in nature. We strive to provide a one-of-a-kind, quality experience to the public as we support conservation through education."
Learn more about Northern Lights by visiting their website at: www.northernlightswildlife.com
Nutrition Matters
Written on Saturday, July 5th, 2014Sadly, it has become commonplace for vets in North America to see chronic disease in their clinics. They are reporting higher incidents of serious illnesses in young animals that were once seen only in older animals, more chronic diseases such as cancer and auto-immune diseases, allergies, immune-mediated skin disorders, and behavioral problems including aggression, anxiety, and depression.
3P Naturals Diets for Dogs - Why Go Natural?
Written on Tuesday, October 16th, 20123P Naturals has proudly provided raw pet food diets for dogs and cats for over 15 years. Over the years, we have witnessed the beneficial results of feeding raw. Our mission is to improve and enrich the lives of pets through biologically appropriate nutrition. Our team of veterinarians, educators, consultants, and staff strive to create the ultimate raw pet food diet for domestic carnivores.
The most commonly asked question is: “Why should I feed raw? What’s the difference?”
In 1993, after DNA testing Canis lupus (the wolf) and Canis familiarus (the dog), the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the American Society of Mammologists re-named the dog as a subspecies of the wolf: Canis lupus familiarus. Wolves and dogs are so closely related, it is impossible to classify them as two separate species. The outer appearance of our canine companions has been modified through selective breeding programs but physiologically and anatomically, they are virtually identical.
Breed-Specific Raw Pet Food Diets for Dogs
Written on Saturday, October 20th, 2012Throughout their years of domestication, dogs have been bred to do specific jobs. These jobs have had an effect on the energy level and behavior of each breed. When determining what’s best for each breed, we can examine their ‘occupations’ to make the right decisions. There are seven groups recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club. Below each group and its nutritional requirements are discussed.
Body score is a scale that gives us a scale for assessing the current bodily state of an animal. A body score of 3 is ideal. A scoring of three means that the ribs are easily felt upon palpation but are not easily visible. Body scores areas listed below:
Aggression & Raw Dog Food Diets
Written on Wednesday, October 31st, 2012Will raw dog food make my dog aggressive?
Aggression is a behavior that animals show to protect themselves and their pack mates, and ultimately ensure their survival. Aggressive behavior has many root causes. Some are behavioral and some biochemical. Below, the connection between aggression and diet is discussed.
Some pet owners claim that raw dog food made their dogs more aggressive. As mentioned above, aggression is a behavior that can arise when an animal is introduced to a new diet, however, there are several considerations that need to be made:
The Importance of Varying the Raw Pet Food Diet
Written on Sunday, November 18th, 2012It is important for animals as it is for us to vary the diet. Offering variety ensures that all dietary requirements are met. Below, providing a balanced diet with all essential nutrients is discussed. For more information on balancing the raw pet food diet, see 3P Naturals Raw Pet Food Menu. If you are a dog owner, please also read our article on Breed-Specific Raw Diets for Dogs. Remember that all guidelines are not absolute and your holistic veterinarian should always be consulted on matters concerning diet.
Providing a balanced and varied diet for your pet is easy. It is important to simulate a “prey animal” and so varying food items will ensure that this is done. Basic guidelines are listed below:
The Truth About Bones
Written on Sunday, December 2nd, 2012Raw bones are an essential component of the raw diet, but the subject can be confusing to read about. Feeding bones to your pets should be done only after you have educated yourself fully on the subject. Raw bones must be fed safely and correctly. Below, we set the record straight on feeding bones.
Cooked Vs. Raw
Cooked bones and raw bones differ greatly. Cooked bones are dangerous and should never be fed to pets. As bones are heated, they become brittle and the calcium is extracted. Not only are they nutritionally compromised but they crack and splinter, forming sharp edges that are dangerous if swallowed. Cooked bones should be disposed of in a garbage can that is not accessible to pets. They are not edible.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Feeding a Raw Pet Food Diet
Written on Thursday, December 6th, 2012Making Good Choices
Feeding a raw diet to your pet is as natural as it gets and it's important to understand the safest way to go about it. Any diet has its health risks when fed incorrectly so it's crucial to educate yourself before getting started. Proper food handling & storage and monitoring your pets' health are important parts of being a responsible pet owner. Following the guidelines below will keep you and your pets safe, healthy, and happy.
Quality Matters
Raw foods served to your pet should be guaranteed human-grade quality. It is unsafe to feed below human-quality meats. You cannot compose a balanced diet if you are not certain of what you are feeding. Ensure that all raw foods that you provide to your pet came from healthy, human-grade animals.
Age-Appropriate Raw Pet Food Diets
Written on Sunday, January 6th, 2013Breed plays a large part in how to feed your dog but age and energy level play an equally important role. Age will help to determine how much to feed, how often to feed, and, in some regards, what to feed. Below we will discuss the major life stages of dogs and cats. Also, see our article on breed-specific raw diets.
Age-Appropriate Raw Pet Food Diets For Dogs
Generally, a puppy is considered any dog less than one year of age but depending on breed, the growing stage can be much longer. Giant breeds can take up to 3 years to fully develop. The age that a dog is neutered or spayed will also be a major defining factor of how your pup grows and what the dietary needs are. See below for more details.